300 winemakers already trust us to buy/sell their vineyards!

discover why:

98% of our buyers are winemakers

Why did we choose to target only winemakers? Because a winemaker to winemaker sale is 3 times easier and 10 times faster than with a ‘non professional’ buyer

Your Advantages as 'Winemaker' seller:


legal, technical: the buyer is a wine professional.


up to 10 times faster than a sale to an ordinary buyer

Your Advantages as 'Winemaker' Buyer:

find the perfect winery

you can specify your search on a technical level without limits (technique, equipment, surface area, grape varieties...)

Unlimited Data

you reach up to 100,000 vineries (we have the largest Data in the world)

Are you a potential buyer (you want expand your company)? or a potential seller?

You can buy a whole estate or invest partially in a vinery, buy only plots and other set-ups. (Click above to see all the possibilities)

You can sell a whole vineyard or many other arrangements: partial sale, sale of a plot of land only, sale of part of the company that runs or owns the vineyard, etc. (Click above to see all the possibilities)

winemakers testimonials

"you are fast, fresh, easy to work with, really cool!"
Jessica Martins
"I love your connection with more than 100,000 winemakers, which is impressive, unique, amazing!"
Luc Legrand
"We would like to expand from 3 wineries to 5 within 12 months: you help us very well!"
Leila Wu

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